Carlos & Olga Arce

The steps in the Selling process listed below may vary with different localities, but they provide a good guide for the things to look for, when you decide to sell a property in the real estate market.  This is followed by a section on the steps to follow after the sale is completed in a contract closing, which are also important.

We provide this information free of charge to clients, other realtors and the public at large as a voluntary public service.

Steps in the Selling Process

  1. Make a final family decision to sell.
  2. Select a realtor to work with you.
  3. Secure financing from a mortgage lender.
  4. Interview realtors and choose one to represent you.
  5. List your house with the chosen real estate agency.
  6. Prepare your property for public presentation.
  7. Pre-inspect your property (recommended).
  8. Make necessary post-inspection repairs.
  9. Receive and negotiate a buyer's offer.
  10. Verify the buyer's credit worthiness with the loan officer.
  11. In condo sales, make available to buyer the condo documents.
  12. Verify the second deposit by the buyer in the escrow amount.
  13. Verify the complete mortgage loan application by the buyer.
  14. Monitor the timeliness of the buyer's property inspection.
  15. Possible negotiation over the result of the inspection.
  16. Possible negotiation over the results of the property appraisal.
  17. Verify buyer's home owners association application.
  18. Verify purchase of a home owners insurance policy by the buyer.
  19. Purchase or rent your new home.
  20. Make final arrangements with a moving company.
  21. Make arrangements for any use of "power of attorney" docs.
  22. Make final arrangements for any use of "mail away" closing.
  23. Make arrangements to have funds wire transfer to your account.
  24. Complete all packing for moving.
  25. Have property cleaned and swept for the walk-through inspection.
  26. Participate in the walk-through inspection, if possible.
  27. Make baby-sitting arrangements for the closing.
  28. Bring driver's license or other picture identification to the closing.
  29. Have workable contingency plans ready, for any last minute delay in the closing date.

Things to Do After Selling

  1. Verify wire transfer, or rush to deposit check.
  2. Disconnect electric and water service.
  3. Report change of address to post office.
  4. Redirect subscription, other regular mailing.
  5. Cancel home services: landscaping, extermination,
  6. Inform relatives and friends of new address.
  7. Relax and go have a good dinner.